Emboldened by their 'success' when the Managing Radioactive Waste Safely (MRWS) process was rejected by Cumbria County Council, the hippies of South Lakes are coming after Sellafield. I warned about this - that the core opposition to the Managing Radioactive Waste Safely process was plain and simple anti-nuclear - in the piece I wrote for the Sellafield Workers Campaign here.
There is now a march on Sellafield planned for this Saturday, and petitions and letters urging the Government to halt reprocessing at, and waste shipments to, Sellafield (see the Whitehaven News here).
So, as so many of us knew, opposition to the MRWS process and waste siting in general was a vehicle to attack the nuclear industry. It always has been.
This amounts to nothing less than a complete and all out attack on the economy, sustainability and future of West Cumbria. The cost of their success will be to consign West Cumbria, its communities, families and people to the scrap-heap.
So, this Saturday the comfortably-off hippies of South Lakes are coming after Sellafield, and our livelihood. We in West Cumbria should tell Marianne Birkby and her ilk where to shove it.